FINALLY yesterday morning after much anguish & debate I ordered my medical ID.
My biggest dilemma is that I am allergic to stainless steel, sterling silver and many other metals. So the typical medical jewelry was not going to work for me. I did find some beautiful gold pieces, but they had rather HUGE prices!
I tried one more time yesterday morning to find something and came across a titanium dog tag necklace that came with a titanium chain. Other websites offered the titanium dog tag, but sold them with stainless steel chains.
Even though it’s not the prettiest thing in the world, it will serve it’s purpose and could save my life. I ordered it. Due to being a first time customer, I received a discount on my entire order which helps. I bought a USB emergency pin drive to go along with it. It comes with pre-loaded software that I can put all my medical info in. That way if something would happen and EMT or ER person can simply plug the USB into their laptop or desktop computer and have all my info at their fingertips. It’s compatible with both PC and MAC and can hold 1Gig of storage.
My order is supposed to be here by Friday, so I should have everything before we go out of town to see family on Saturday. I feel much more comfortable knowing that. It’s one less weight off my shoulders.