Monday, March 5, 2012

Dream? Seizure? Both?

Today I had a very strange/disturbing experience.  After a long stressful weekend we came home Sunday exhausted.  This morning I awoke still feeling tired.  By early afternoon I couldn’t keep my eyes open.  I took my daughter to her room and told her mommy needed to take a rest.  She gave me a hug and I went to the bedroom to lay down.

It didn’t take long and I was asleep.  As I slept I had a vivid dream.  It was really neat.  I was here at the house, looking out over the cornfield.  It was sunset and there was snow on the ground in my dream.  I was taking pictures of the sunset reflecting on the large silo’s (which don’t exist in reality) and thinking to myself I should do an oil painting of the scene. 

A neat side effect of my meds & B6 is that my dreams are very vivid in color and I have a good memory of them when I awaken.  When they are good dreams it’s really neat to remember them in such detail.

Shortly after taking the pictures of the sunset in my dream it faded to black as it normally happens before I awaken.  This time however, things took a dramatic unexpected turn and I have been left wondering.

Suddenly I opened my eyes (so I thought) and I saw gray & black fuzzy specks, like on an old TV when you don’t have a channel signal.  Next I saw petal shape outlines in white that started small and then grew in size as they moved from the center towards the outer edges.  One after another all starting in the center then moving (sort of like concentric circles).  Then I suddenly felt strong tingling sensations in the top of my head.  In this “dream” I realized I was beginning to seize.  The tingles continued to gain intensity and then washed down my neck, shoulders and body in relentless waves.  In my thoughts I knew I was having a seizure but was unable to stop it.  I wanted it to stop.  I didn’t like it at all and for the first time I felt a strong sense of fear.  It seemed to go on for a very long time. 

When I did finally manage to wake up I was completely confused.  I thought it was a really weird dream… at least that’s what I tried to tell myself.  All my body wanted to do was go back to sleep.  My mind did not want to go to sleep as I was still feeling a sense of fear and wondered if it was possibly a ‘real’ seizure?  When I finally managed to sit up I realized I had been drooling.  My cheek was wet and my pillow was drenched where my head had been laying.  Still I tried to convince myself this was just a weird dream.

Why then am I now wondering if it was a seizure?  Several reasons.  First the sense of confusion which is still lingering nearly 8 hours later.  Second, I began developing a headache right after awaking and it’s still with me now.  Third, I am exhausted and achy.  My body hurts, my  head hurts and I feel like I could sleep a week easily.  Lastly, when I got up my daughter asked me if I was “Ok?”  Apparently she heard something and was worried something was wrong with mommy. 

My neurology appointment is on 14 March, so I will definitely be telling my neuro about this and see what he says.  Maybe it was just a dream, but I have to say it was a very disturbing experience and I won’t be forgetting it any time soon.

Red roseCat

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