Living with epilepsy you can become overwhelmed as you deal with seizures and the lingering effects of them. However, it’s not always difficulties from the seizures themselves that are cause for struggle.
Side effects of medications can cause many complications and struggles in daily living. Sometimes it feels like I’m forced to decide which is the lesser of evils, dealing with seizures or dealing with the side effects of my medication?
This struggle has never been more apparent to me than the past six days.
On Wednesday April 11th I awoke with a sore throat. That day I would be traveling to the Nebraska State Capitol in order to receive the Purple Day Proclamation from the Governor of Nebraska. I also had to give a short speech about Purple Day, epilepsy and the proclamation. A little sore throat was not going to stop me! I did in fact attend, gave my speech and had my picture taken with the Governor:
However, in the following hours I noticed I was becoming more and more exhausted. By evening it was apparent I was becoming sick.
By Thursday morning I awakened with an incredibly sore throat. It felt as though I had burning coals in the back of my throat. I couldn’t swallow anything without pain. I was growing weaker by the minute and nothing seemed to help.
Friday morning, my birthday, I was getting worse. My husband (who had the day off) made a doctor’s appointment for me. The doctor did a strep test, which thankfully came back negative. The downside was it meant what I have is some sort of virus. That meant that they couldn’t give me any kind of medication, I would have to ride it out and let my body fight off whatever it was I had.
This is apparently a direct result of my Levetiracetam. Among many other side effects, Levetiracetam is known to lower your immune system and can effect both your white blood cell count & red blood cell count. Neither my husband nor my daughter caught whatever this virus is which also goes to show I have a lowered immune system. To be honest all I can say is that this really sucks!
Our general practice doctor did tell me that along with my vitamin B6 I needed to add Vitamin D3 to help boost my immune system. My hubby picked some up for me and I began taking it that day.
It’s funny though, everything I’ve been learning about Levetiracetam & it’s side effects (depleting B vitamins, depleting D vitamins, lowering immune system & blood counts) have all come from sources other than my neurologist. My neuro hasn’t offered any information in regards to dealing with side effects since placing me on Levetiracetam. Sometimes I think our general practice doctor knows more about epilepsy than my neurologist! Frustrating, but I am thankful for my GP Doc!
Finally after 4 days in bed I awoke this morning feeling better. I’m still not at full strength, but I’m much better than I have been this past week. My throat for the first time in nearly 6 days is mildly sore, a great improvement over the burning coals sensation. I’m on the road to healing, but it’s taken much longer to fight off this virus than it ever did pre-Levetiracetam.